Luis Enrique's introductory press conference: "An attacking identity is non-negotiable"

Luis Enrique, PSG
Luis Enrique, PSG / Eurasia Sport Images/GettyImages

PSG introduced Luis Enrique as the new manager of the French Ligue 1 champions for the next two seasons on Wednesday after a three-hour delay caused by some issues with President's Nasser Al-Khelaifi flight to Paris.

At the end of the day, the dozens of media members present in the new PSG Campus in Poissy got to see and ask questions to the newest member of the Paris Saint-Germain family, to which Luis Enrique had very interesting thoughts to offer in answer.

Here are some of the things Enrique told the media members present in the room, as quoted by the PSG media team and published on their website.

About the new PSG project that he will lead

"The project is in line with the people investing here. We want to play football that will please the fans, but will above all bring us results. Paris Saint-Germain have to aim high. I'm looking forward to learning a new language, discovering a new country and such a beautiful city with my staff. I've been working with them for a long time. They are young people working at a very high level, and who still want to improve. We have met with a number of people at the club, and we're going to try and get the most from the means available to me."

About the new PSG Campus in Poissy

"I'm the first person to have slept at the PSG Campus, it's a wonderful place. The players are going to benefit from extraordinary comfort. It's not luxury, but it will allow them to do high-level work. And that's all that counts."

About the summer transfer window

"We have started to work on the squad. Throughout my career, I have always got on well with sporting directors. We have been able to discuss things a lot over the last few weeks, and we agree on the idea we have for the squad and the transfer window. I'm convinced we'll have a great team and we'll achieve great things. Regarding this summer's transfers, I want to take decisions based on consensus, and see my players in training. We're entering a new era, we want to play an attacking style, we want the fans to enjoy watching their team."

About his football philosophy

"An attacking identity is non-negotiable. My philosophy is to go forward. You have to adapt to the players you have and get the best out of them. And my aim is to play attacking football in which the team comes first. We are going to have a great team, we want the fans to be proud. We will work all together to make a great team. I know it's not easy, but we have to create synergy, work together."

About dealing with the ego of superstar players

"That's my job on a daily basis. From my experience as a player, at Real Madrid or Barcelona, and then as coach of Barcelona, I have worked with a lot of stars. The players are intelligent, they know we are here to help them. And when they understand that, they commit totally to you. We have to provide the platform for them on which to shine."

About PSG's Academy and developing players

"Paris Saint-Germain have a great Youth Academy in which they have invested a lot. Young players are extremely fortunate to be here. I like relying on young players. I'm going to meet them, see them play, and I invite them to have a lot of ambition because I like to give a chance to young players who have a desire to succeed."

About his objectives for the upcoming season

"I love the pressure that comes with my job. There are dozens of teams that dream of the biggest trophies, some have more experience than others, but we have to be ambitious and want to give our best, especially when you see this magnificent training center."

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