Xavi Simons still undecided about return to PSG

Borussia Mönchengladbach v RB Leipzig - Bundesliga
Borussia Mönchengladbach v RB Leipzig - Bundesliga / Masashi Hara/GettyImages

Earlier this week, RB Leipzig expressed their interest in retaining Xavi Simons beyond the current season once his loan deal from PSG runs out next July.

While the Dutch player acknowledged his positive start with the German club, his stance on the matter appeared unclear after enjoying a fantastic start to the year with RB Leipzig.

Acquired from PSV Eindhoven by triggering a buyout clause last summer, Xavi Simons returned to PSG before being subsequently loaned to RB Leipzig for the entire 2023/24 season.

With three goals and four assists already to his name at the German club, the forward has swiftly adapted to his new environment, prompting Red Bull's interest in securing him for the next season. That, though, is far from done as PSG will definitely try to bring him back for next season.

In his first interview since arriving in Germany, Xavi Simons spoke with SkySport about the possibility of staying in Leipzig next summer.

Philipp Hinze, a journalist for the German channel, shared the sentiments of the Dutch midfielder on Twitter, quoting, "I already feel at home. I love being here and I love playing for Leipzig. I want to succeed and leave my mark on the club. In football, you can't predict anything. Nobody knows what will happen in a few months."

Simons added: "I've been here for three months, I'm enjoying my playing time and I'm enjoying everything here. I want to do something in Leipzig and leave my mark on the club. It’s difficult to predict what happens in football."

Last season, Simons already repeatedly expressed his happiness at PSV Eindhoven, with internal reports indicating his desire to stay. However, Nasser Al-Khelaifi and PSG eventually intervened, convincing the former La Masia man to relocate to Paris during the summer.

Nothing is set in stone on this front, but Simons is expected (at least officially) to return to Paris next summer.